275 East Main Street - Thank you for your interest in 269-275 E Main St in Norristown, PA. This community is located on E. Main Street in Norristown. Take a look at the apartment floor plan options. From pricing to features, the community staff is ready to help you find the perfect apartment. Stop by for current floor plan availability.
269-275 E Main St is an apartment complex located in the Montgomery County zip code 19401. This area is served by the Upper Merion area.
275 East Main Street
Norristown is a suburban community that's really close to everything: Philadelphia is only about a 45-minute drive away, and SEPTA rail service is available from several stations in the city. In addition to convenient proximity to the big city, Valley Forge National Historical Park and King of Prussia Mall are practically right next door.
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Closer to home, Main Street and Marshall Street are home to a number of local shops and restaurants in an attractive and walkable setting, with many historic buildings nearby. Attractions like the Elmwood Park Zoo and large parks like Norristown Farm give residents plenty of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors right in their backyard.
269-275 E Main St is 16 minutes or 17 miles from Cabrini College. It is also close to East University and Villanova University.
School data provided by GreatSchools The GreatSchools rating helps parents compare schools across the state based on various indicators of school quality and provides a useful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on a scale of 1 (below average) to 10 (above average) and may include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, Advanced Placement, equity, discipline, and attendance data. We also encourage parents to visit schools, consider other information about school outcomes and programs, and consider family needs as part of the school selection process.
Transportation options available in Norristown include the Norristown Transit Center (route R6), located 0.6 miles away at 269-275 E Main Street. 269-275 E Main St is close to Philadelphia International which is 40.9 miles or 40 minutes away and Trenton Mercer which is 38.8 km away. miles or 52 minutes away.
E Main St, Leola, Pa 17540
269-275 E Main St has 3 shopping centers within a 1.5 mile radius which is about a 17 minute walk. Miles and minutes apply to the furthest property.
There are five parks within 10 miles of 269-275 E Main St, including Elmwood Park Zoo, Norristown Farm Park and McKaig Nature Education Center.
This rating combines tenant reviews and property characteristics into one simplified score to help you evaluate the property. Factors that influence these ratings include building design, construction, exterior and amenities.
269-275 E Main St Norristown, PA 19401 is located in Norristown, Norristown. Here you will find three shopping centers within a 0.9 mile radius. There are also five parks within 10.3 miles, including Elmwood Park Zoo, Norristown Farm Park and McKaig Nature Education Center.
Chipotle Mexican Grill
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Walk Score® measures the walkability of any address. Transit Score® measures access to public transport. Bike Score® measures the cycling performance of any address.
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