500 Caliber Bullet - .500 Smith & Wesson Magnum 375 Grain Barnes XPB Lead Free - The .500 S&V Magnum is a .50 caliber revolver cartridge developed by Cor-Bon in partnership with the Smith & Wesson "X-Gun" engineering team for use in the Smith & Wesson Model 500 X-frame revolver and was presented in February 2003 at the SHOT fair.
It has two primary design goals: as a hunting pistol cartridge capable of taking all North American game species, and to be the most powerful production pistol cartridge to date. To put into perspective the extreme power level of the cartridge; the barrel power of a .500 S&V bullet fired from a typical commercial round load is roughly equivalent to a 16-pound bowling ball traveling at over 70 mph.
500 Caliber Bullet
Smith & Wesson was a leader in the development of powerful pistol cartridges such as the .357 S&V Magnum and the .44 Remington Magnum. However, since 1960, the company's .44 Remington Magnum, which it developed in cooperation with Remington, has been surpassed by the .454 Casull.
Magtech 500 S&w Magnum Mt500d 325gr Fmj Flat 20 Per Box
The .500 S&V Magnum was originally designed to be primarily a hunting pistol cartridge. Big Horn Armory's creation of the Model 89 lever action rifle transformed it into a serious big game hunting rifle. On that platform, the cartridge is capable of taking out any animal on the ground. It also serves a secondary purpose as a backup cartridge for a survival handgun in defense against large bears in North America.
The success of the .500 S&V Magnum on large, dangerous game is due in part to the availability of heavier bullets with exceptional sectional density. Bullets larger than 500 grains (32 g) have the sectional density necessary for hunting the heavier African dangerous game. As a hunting cartridge, the .500 S&V Magnum has proven effective against elephants and African bison as long as the range is kept within reasonable limits. Bullet selection is very important when hunting thick-skinned, dangerous game. Smith & Wesson bills the Model 500 revolver as a "hunting gun for any game that stalks animals."
In North America, it is used for hunting all North American big game species. The cartridge has had success in taking Alaskan brown bears, American bison, elk and moose. It is also used for hunting black bear, white deer, wild boar and wild boar.
Selected ammunition and our 100% handloading techniques - make the .500 Smith & Wesson ammunition round sought after for long range handgun, big game and dangerous game hunting. Accuracy, consistency and reliability are essential in the final moments of such an encounter. Choice Ammunition takes this responsibility seriously by carefully weighing each powder charge using our proprietary formulas and temperature-insensitive powder, loading the bullet to the correct length for optimal performance, and test firing each batch of bullets to an average of 500% of the industry average. We don't have high speed manufacturing machines - just passionate and dedicated technicians pulling each handle, producing ammunition one bullet at a time.
Rounds Of .500 S&w Magnum Ammo
Featuring Barnes' patented X-Bullet™ technology, the all-copper XPB™ bullet offers significantly greater penetration than lead-core jacketed bullets. These lead free bullets provide excellent expansion and weight retention. Energy transfer is unmatched, making it ideal for hunting or self-defense. Barnes XPB bullets are extremely accurate and leave no marks to harm shooters in the training environment.
As you know, the ammunition and firearms industry is experiencing an unprecedented time since the outbreak of COVID-19 in China in early 2020. At the same time some have talked about the withdrawal of police departments, there is even rioting and lawlessness in our riotous cities. Then we saw a very contentious presidential campaign and ultimately - the inauguration of what could be a very hostile 2nd Amendment administration controlling both houses of Congress. For these reasons and more, we see high demand in the industry at all times, in addition to many parts shortages. I personally don't see things changing any time soon...
That said, we do our best to load and ship products in a timely manner, but we can't just run machines like everyone else! All orders on this website that we allow, we think will be delivered within a reasonable period of time and we currently average around 2-3 weeks. However, we rely on our suppliers to supply us with parts as well, and this can be unexpectedly delayed from time to time. When this happens, it can take 30-60 days, sometimes longer, for the ammunition to be delivered to you. Please note that any backorders will be filled at the price at which you purchased the ammo. If you find something elsewhere - we will be happy to cancel any order.
We try to answer all office calls and prefer calls over email or social media. Please refrain from calling or changing your order unless absolutely necessary - keeping in mind the time frames I mentioned above. Every call we answer puts the focus on getting parts and loading/shipping your ammo! We promise to get your order out as soon as we can - but please understand this crazy market we're all in - if you're really late!
S&w 500 Magnum And Desert Eagle 50ae W/underwood 700 And 350 Grain Ammo.
We don't believe in raising prices or increasing margins in a market like this - and will do everything possible to remain competitive with "factory" ammo while providing the market with our superior handloading ammo. However, it appears that prices may rise this year, as there is a lot of volatility in the prices of our brass, bullets, powders and primers.
Thank you for considering Choice Ammunition if you are a new customer - and thank you for another order if you are returning. We really appreciate you all and we built our business by working hard on our products and for our customers!
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